Hi Everyone,

I am Julius and you find yourself on my website www.trywithoutlimits.com where I am going to show you how you can leverage your potential and eventually go far beyond of the limit you thought you might have.

I think that the time is an important asset nowadays. According to what I believe that if we increase our productivity by using our FULLEST potential we might experience having much more time. Don’t you think?

Let me tell you more about me and my mission.


I am passionate and talented football/soccer player. This sport was part of my life since I was 9 years old for almost my entire life. Later,  it turned to be as well my profession. What was completely perfect.

Unfortunately, there are some obstacles time to time on the road, and it was not different in my case. I experienced serious health limitations and those were leading me being unable to practice the game I loved so desperately. All while I was 21.

In those darker times I discover personal development, what completely changed my life. Since the moment I read my first book, I came along many interesting subject connected to the personal development and all above I find out that the most meaningful difference between successful and those unsuccessful is what is in our mind.

Thanks to it I found how important for us is the point of view on the things that happened to us. As soon as, I realise that I was able to change my view on my present situation I made decision to stop regretting the circumstances that lead to this health limitations. And after some time I was ready to jump into my passion again, even in different position.

If I would describe the whole journey over here, I think it could easily extend content over 10 pages, maybe too long for introduction. Anyway, I am going to write about me more later on.

To make the long story short, personal development had showed me how powerful tool is our mind, our own decisions, and most importantly how we can by doing the important and stop doing the unimportant become more productive, which can lead into discovery of our boundaries and in the end to the life without limits.


As I gained a lot of knowledge since the year of 2013, when I first met personal development, and I made some significant changes in my life, I would like to pass it to the people who need it, so much I needed before. It could be you!

At this point, I might even say that it would be unfair if I wouldn’t share it. And if I wouldn’t try to help others with showing how to increase our productivity and therefore having more time, which in the ideal case would lead into more quality in our life.

What is completely perfect, it’s the fact that it can be achieved with small changes and easier than you might think. According me productive people are happier, healthier and many people are wealthier. With my website, also with other products on the way, I would like to help others to achieve it! Helping others is as well one of my most important values.


In the end of a brief introduction I would like to share with you my life mission:

Pursuing an independent, responsible, healthy and sustainable lifestyle. With the goal of raising your self awareness and confidence to reach your goals and beyond, simply maximizing your own potential.

I hope it was not too much reading for you at the beginning and you could get a bit of idea about the topic I will be writing. And the most important, I hope you will be able to find it helpful for you at any point. I would do my best to inspire you on your journey toward your desired life in any area you decide.

P.S. If you ever need a hand or have any questions, or would like to share your tips and opinions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.

All the best,

Your Julius

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