3 ways to find limits-Confidence boost

3 ways to find limits-Confidence boost


In my today’s article I would like to show you how overcoming the challenges can boost your confidence. The post consist out of 3 ways to find limits. Make yourself some good drink, find some comfortable sit and enjoy the reading.

Why I want to find my limits?

It can be maybe crucial, to start with some examples, why it is important actually, to find our limits. Have you had sometimes feeling that you are totally bored and that’s way tired? Or have you have the feeling that you might perform at higher level? What was it like for feeling? Did you like the feeling?

And how did you feel, on the other hand, when you achieved something, you were not able to do a day before? Like for example 20 minutes longer fitness session. Was there a difference? Was the feeling different? Well, normally it should be.

Once you will see the difference, you might be crazy like me and start to loving it.

But the real reason I am writing this article, is that during my experiences out of four countries and out of different working environments, there was always relatively huge amount of people, who did not use their full potential

Some of them did not want, because it can be painful( important to point, that this feeling is just in our mind), some would want it, but maybe did not find the right way how to do.

Whichever group you are, I hope the following lines can help you a bit.

Climb to the top

For those who never did hiking, it might make no sense, but climbing to the top of the mountain is one of the best experiences the connection between a human and nature can show.

Not only you will have in most of the cases magnificent view out of top, most likely it will bring you totally amazing feeling of overcoming one challenge.

In addition to it, there are a numerous side effect of your trip, along the way.  For instance, it can show you how beautiful it can be when you finish something and not give up, also when it was not an easy journey.It will help you while persuading bigger dreams and it can show you that anything, what you decide, is possible.

While making a several hour trip, probably on uncomfortable surface, overcoming various obstacles, you can relate to your business for instance. There you will need to overcome a lot of obstacles too, while being on your way to the success.

That’s a huge support to all of your dreams or desires, right? However crazy they are.

As a next positive impact, it’s the fact that it is bringing you in perfect connection with the nature what can help you to understand that unbelievable harmony existing in the nature. (There was unusually strong wind, while doing this trip pictured down, together with the power of the see I thought on how “small” and weak human still is) It is boost for your ideas, as well as if you are in need to clear your head off.

Imagine yourself walking up some 1000 m high mountain to the top, without internet connection, you are completely relying on yourself, you will automatically come to deeper essence of your life. I made this picture on July 2019 and I took it during my 6 hours hiking trip in south Greece. The place, where this article and the whole idea of my blog were created. Inspirational. What do you think?

Whatever lifetime or situation you are in, if you have an open-heart and mind, you can use the experiences out of this trip for better. I am 100% sure. I don’t know how you, but I think that is reason to start hike.

Learn some new skill

In the present times, most of the people have knowledge in at least one language, which is not their mother tongue. Meaning the generation of my peers( I am 30, by the way).

How you felt when you gained that skill in the particular language? I am pretty sure, the moment you first time proved your knowledge, you were feeling proud of you.

And why not to repeat this again? So if you learned an English for example, could you learn German or Spanish or French? I am pretty sure you can.

Not only this boost you should consider, but as well the fact that you have a new language skill is wonderful. How will your value rise up on the job market? Completely new area will open up for you. With the easy traveling nowadays it’s an amazing option.

Now, you might think, OK that’s perfect and I really like the job offer in Barcelona, but I just don’t have time or finances to study a new language.

Let me give you example out of my life. I learned German and Dutch, both in TIME FRAME OF ONE YEAR. Of course, I am not totally fluent in them, but my knowledge was enough to get jobs in those languages and in the highly skilled environment.

I am not writing that to impress you, I just want to give you an inspiration, that it’s possible. Let me tell you something, once you have a purpose big enough, you will find the necessary ingredients in order to get this knowledge.

And it does not have to be just a new language you can learn, it can be anything. If sewing, taxi or truck driving license, ability to play piano, kayaking or windsurfing, cooking Chinese dishes, whatever you will learn, the confident boost effect will be same.

Do sport

I can almost see how you turned your eyes, while seeing the title. For many people is the idea of doing some sport activity regularly related to long and tiring process, and that’s the one reason why they don’t start.

On the other hand, there are sporters who can not imagine almost a single day without their favourite sport.

If you belong to either group, there is a way for you to find limits within you, while doing a sport.

In case, you are having issues to start with a sport, it can be because you are torturing yourself with the image of body builders in the fitness center. While looking on their pictures, you may think you be never like them and that’s decreasing your persistence or motivation and that is way you might become more tired even before you have started. In your mind though.

Well, you don’t have to be body builder. You don’t even have to do a fitness, if it is not fitting you. The purpose is to feel better. Later on you would also start to feel healthier and stronger.

As well as, you have to have some piece of fun, while doing your sport. You will feel more excited, when your session is about to come. Giving up will be almost impossible for you. How I know it? Would you give up something, that is bringing you enjoyment, power and self-confidence? Answer is on you.

There are many kinds of sports out there. If you don’t like fitness, there is swimming, running, biking, joga, roller skating. You can jog, if you think those sports are too heavy for your start. Or when you like to do team sport with your buddy or team, you have options like basketball, tennis, beach volleyball. And many others.

Regular sport will help you give your life more discipline. And you will see how your limits are slowly disappearing, when you will always perform a bit more like you did last time. Meaning, you did Monday 30 sit-ups, but on Tuesday you did 31 and on Wednesday 32, and so on.

If you are in the second group and you are doing regularly sport already, you probably know about the benefits, the sport is bringing you. From my personal experience I know, that after a while by doing the same activity, the muscles become lazy and effect is therefore decreasing. In that case what will help you is regular change.

For instance, on Monday running, on Tuesday biking, on Wednesday swimming, on Thursday fitness. Variations are endless. Here applies as well the rule about increasing performance.

I am sure, if you are experienced you know a lot about the right exercises and intensity of your training. My intention is to show people who are not practicing sport, how simple it can be to start. That you don’t need expensive membership or plenty of equipment, as you can jog or run almost with no extra clothing, all what you need is your will.

Small steps

I hope I could inspire you in terms of your progress. I believe that everyone is having special and unique story and that’s way everyone will have different way throughout the life. But there are principles valid for everyone.

The importance of overcoming the challenges, or battling the limits we thought we have, going the extra mile, however we will name it, that importance is essential for any kind of growth. You can even go forward, backwards or stay still. I think if you are not moving, but staying still you are going against the human nature.

For a while it can be joyful, to stay outside of the busy center, let’s say. But after a while, you would feel pole to do something. And there is always more excitement, enjoyment and happiness if you move forward, compare to movement backwards.

3 ways to find limits can be your help, if you do not know how you should go further. If you feel you are stuck and you feel the place you are right now, is not what you aimed for.

Whenever you feel it that way, go for a hike trip. If you don’t have a time for whole day on mountains,  go run or jog for so little like HALF AN HOUR and you will feel the difference. If you want to brighten your horizons, learn some new skill. There are plenty of online, as well as, offline affordable courses out there.

Do whatever, just move. If you are afraid you won’t know how, just start. If you will fell, it’s OK, you will wake up. Just don’t stay still please. And remember, 100 small steps made regularly are better like one huge step irregularly.

It was my pleasure to get connected with you and I wish you best luck with your progress. Let me know what works for you.

Till next time.

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5 years ago

Great tips in the post that are often overlooked by many. This has inspired me to ‘go to the top’ so to speak with an activity that I tend to shy away from. Who knows, I might end up loving it.

5 years ago

This is a very informative article. All the ways of finding new limits and boosting confidence have been well explained in your article. I really am a big fan of doing sports as a means of discovering new limits. Doing sports might initially sound very demanding to some people, but the benefits you derive, both physically and psychologically out-weigh the effort and sweat involved.

Thanks a lot for sharing such an educative article!

Matovic Dusan
Matovic Dusan
5 years ago

Thank you for very much for your post! Positive way of looking things is today very important! I believe in every word you have written here! And trying to help others shows who you realy are!

5 years ago

i like what you have included in this post as ways to find what limit is limiting oneself and to push for improvements. The first one I can appreciate, although my version would be to connect with nature and go on a bush walk. I can see where you’re coming from with the mountain climb though. It would certainly be a sense of achievement. I started a new sport last year which I absolutely enjoy doing. For my age, it’s not common for 40 something’s to do taekwondo, but I get such a high from each class and the feeling of achievement helps me keep going back as I can see improvements over time. I think for one to boost confidence it helps to push past one’s beliefs in themselves and know that it is possible, use positive language and tell yourself you can do this, whatever it might be. It’s when we tell ourselves that we can’t, then we are stopping any sense of achievement from happening. Thanks for the reminder

5 years ago

Very inspirational post, Julius.
I tend to find sports an amazing way to clear my mind and help me stay focused.
Thanks for sharing. keep it up!

4 years ago

Hallo there Julius, 

I have been reading this self improvement book on going the extra mile and pushing your extremes so that you can see how strong you actually are and this really struck a nerve in me. From there I have been looking for ways to do that. Your post has really helped me get ways I can push myself more and more. I am now soldiering the idea of a new language and sports. I am going to bookmark your website so that I can read it seriously when I get home. Thanks a lot for the very helpful information here.

4 years ago

Success is fulfilment, overcoming a challenge is fulfilment, it brings joy and a kind of feeling that depicts accomplishment and its this feeling that builds your courage, this courage gives you the ability to face more challenges. I think Growth can’t be triggered without pushing beyond one’s limit, taking extra steps, going extra positive miles to overcome your challenge. This article is really educative and inspiring to me, thanks for sharing.

4 years ago

Hi, I love this article! It was so inspirational. I’m going to be honest, I really don’t do much. I am a mother of four, and I have spent the last 24 years raising them. My kids are the greatest, but I have forgotten about me in the meantime.

The last 2 are getting older, so I think I should spend more time on myself. I have always been interested in biking because you can get outside and see the beautiful nature. I don’t have tons of time yet, but I like the idea of starting small. Thanks so much for this article, it made my day!

4 years ago

Doing sport is definitely a yes for me as a way of finding my limit. I do not know how to overcome various challenges in life because most times, I end up being overpowered by whatever it is that is involved and I really give up way too easily. Getting to read through this post, I really see it as a blessing for me and one day, I will climb the moh gain and facemy fear of height but then, as for now, I will stick to sport as a means of finding my limit. Thanks

Russ Green
Russ Green
4 years ago

I really do like this post, I very much enjoyed reading it, this post is very inspirational and it certainly has inspired me to reach for and to achieve better things which is just the thing I need right now, because I have been going through a disappointing period with my online business and there are times when some people may have thought of giving up, I would recommend anyone who may be having such thoughts to come here and read this excellent post, thank you for sharing.  

4 years ago

This is nothing but a very motivating and insightful article. Making progress in life is not just necessary but Paramount as a positive and progressive individual. Been progressive requires constant and gradual efforts just as stipulated above. One needs to keep trying no matter how constant one falls. This is why I value and like this post. It has given me confidence and motivated me in a sort of way. Thanks for this great work.

4 years ago

I think people tend to believe that they have to be really good at a sport to begin with, or have natural athletic ability. I play a few sports and I’m not particularly good at any of them, but it’s sure as hell a lot of fun. Eventually you’ll get better and in the mean time you get all this exercise…Win, Win. I suck at basketball, but I like playing it….I really don’t care…So yeah, just start..

4 years ago

Wow great information, very inspirational too. I felt identified in several things. In climbing to the top, it really feels good to achieve something. In learn new skills, I do speak two languages and I’m trying to learn piano, and I don’t really do any sport, but I really want to try something new and that I like. Loved this great info which was short, but convincing. 

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